A quiet and calculating Colombian drug lord who other executives of Inferno are quick to obey.
But in the 1980's, Colombian drug cartels began using Panama to launder funds through construction, banks and even withdrawals from automated teller machines.
She had blown a Colombian drug on Duckworth Avenue in Calm's Point.
A Colombian drug dealer.
"Only that Colombian drugs keep seeping into this country, corrupting our legal system and killing our children."
Now, he and his Dominican-led gang have dramatically expanded their sales operations, moving well beyond upper Manhattan to deliver Colombian drugs in a territory from Maryland to Massachusetts.
His targets: a Panamanian politician planning a coup d'etat and the Colombian drug lord financing the coup, whom the politician is meeting at a jungle hacienda.
And now the story: In the mid-1970's, as Colombian drugs flowed to North America, Mr. Jenks, then in his 20's, was establishing himself in the marijuana trade.
Mr. Martinez is the first Colombian drug suspect extradited to the United States since Carlos Lehder Rivas in 1987.
The Dominican Republic has become a trans-shipment point for Colombian drugs destined to Europe as well as the United States and Canada.