The College also enters teams into the Queensland Debating Union, with much success.
The College first entered the Rock Eisteddfod competition in 1994, with an original production based on cars.
Colleges can enter as many teams of two students as they wish, providing they meet all the entry requirements.
In 1945 the College entered the Free Education Scheme.
The College entered the top 25% of colleges nationally, based on success rates, in 2004.
This was the heritage into which the newly merged College entered and which has provided such an uplifting spiritual legacy ever since.
He was admitted a scholar of Eton, and in 1600 entered King's College, Cambridge.
On 21 May 1993 S. Thomas' College entered the computer age.
St.Sebastian's College entered a new era in 2003 when Rev.Bro.
Colleges enter teams of four couples.