In the house jargon, such a skit is called a Clutch Cargo, after the 1950's cartoon that used the same device.
Such TV series as Clutch Cargo are known for being produced on extremely low budgets, with camera tricks used in place of actual animation.
Mr. O'Brien will perform his familiar "Clutch Cargo" routine, which is based on an old television cartoon character.
As was typical of adventure serials, Clutch Cargo was sent around the world on dangerous assignments.
The musical soundtrack to Clutch Cargo was, in its own way, as limited, and yet as inventive within those limitations, as the animation.
Haas summed up the lasting appeal of Clutch Cargo: "Let's face it, Clutch is a square.
Perhaps because of its unique style, Clutch Cargo has been referred to and parodied many times in contemporary pop culture.
In 1994, the film Pulp Fiction included a scene in which a character was watching Clutch Cargo.
In late 1978, Clutch Cargo was renamed Australian Crawl and started to gain popularity on the pub circuit.
He and his crew would have various adventures, similar to those of Clutch Cargo or Jonny Quest.