Earlier, the Clorox Company awarded it added accounts.
Since last summer, for example, the Clorox Company has reduced its work force to 10,000, from 11,000, as part of its "cut costs everywhere" strategy.
The Clorox Company said that its quarterly profit rose more than 500 percent.
He was later a brand manager for the Clorox Company.
In 1977, he moved to the Clorox Company, where he was named chief executive in 1980.
Early in life, she began working for The Clorox Company in brand management and computer software.
The Oakland-based Clorox Company is headquartered in the building.
The property has been owned by the Clorox Company.
He worked for the Clorox Company, helping to market Tilex.
The brand is currently owned by The Clorox Company.