Obviously a Clinton victory will be bad for comedians.
But several political scientists and consultants said the party's problems transcended the Clinton victory.
Some experts say stocks and bonds might not react much to a Clinton victory, suggesting that financial markets have already discounted this possibility.
The debate over the Fed's response to a Clinton victory has produced another over what the dollar will do.
Just as the 1992 Clinton victory produced its definitive shorthand marching order - "It's the economy, stupid!"
It is too early to tell how much a Clinton victory would change all this.
As the returns came in, neither he nor his other guests gave loud hoots of happiness at the Clinton victory.
Democrats hoped that a Clinton victory might also help them win control of the State Senate for the first time in 28 years.
With the voting still three weeks and three debates away, many strategists say that the markets have heavily discounted a Clinton victory already.
Nervousness about a Clinton victory and a stronger-than-expected report from purchasing managers were among the reasons cited by traders.