It ends 10 tiny programs, and holds several Clinton initiatives, including his national service program, to three-fourths of last year's budgets.
No one seriously believes these steps would have been taken now were it not for the Clinton initiative.
Isn't it time to revisit the Clinton initiatives, which presaged that privately managed health care would not work?
That could mean rougher sailing for Clinton initiatives.
The Clinton initiative would greatly expand federal control over cyberspace while nationalizing state-level pharmacy regulations and common law standards of medical care.
They say that the party's best hopes in the fall were to run on popular Clinton initiatives and that this strategy is now in jeopardy.
There is stronger Western backing for another Clinton initiative: giving environmentalists more power to review trade agreements.
In pointing to the programs he has supported, he has generally played down the fact that some were Clinton initiatives.
And their differences, in policy and in tone, could shape many other Clinton initiatives, from national service to child care.
Republicans in Congress, seeking to block Clinton initiatives, have frequently exaggerated the significance of the same reports.