Daz Sumner, a heat leader at Cleveland Park, will be among the 16 competitors.
The street is the heart of Cleveland Park, not Washington's richest or most exclusive neighborhood, but home to more than a few chieftains.
His office was in Cleveland Park.
When the train got to Cleveland Park, she took the escalator up to the street, where the Juice Man was waiting, three doors down.
Cheaper than a Victorian in Cleveland Park," one of the city's most tony neighborhoods.
In 1986 they moved from Cleveland Park to their current home in Forest Hills.
During this period, Heaton and his family lived in Cleveland Park, and he designed many buildings for the neighborhood.
Cleveland Park sported many of these camps, especially in the fringe of buildings damaged by the flood and abandoned.
This finding resulted in the congregation moving to its current building in Cleveland Park.
I walked and walked, to Cleveland Park, to Georgetown.