Presented by Condé Nast and the Clementine Gallery.
On March 16, an exhibition of his artwork stretching back to the 1970's opens at the Clementine Gallery in Chelsea.
Clementine The recently opened Clementine Gallery is in a big commercial building full of artists' and photographers' studios.
Such was the case with Elizabeth Burke and Abby Messitte, owners and directors of the Clementine Gallery in Chelsea.
"I've collected pieces from the Clementine Gallery over the years and thought the show sounded amazing," she said.
Elizabeth Burke and Abby Messitte opened Clementine Gallery in Chelsea a year ago with a mission to make art buying a more comfortable and enjoyable experience.
In conjunction with Giuseppe Perini and Francesco Pozzi, he executed the plates from the antique statues in the Clementine Gallery of the Vatican.
Sponsored by U.S. Trust and the Clementine Gallery.
His artwork is shown in galleries such as in London's Aquarium Gallery and New York's Clementine Gallery.
The Clementine Gallery in Chelsea is organizing "Art Rock," an exhibition by cutting-edge artists.