The 50-year-old Clemens pitches 3 1/3 innings, striking out two and allowing only one base hit.
But this has been an inconsistent year for the Yankees, except on the days Clemens pitches.
But Drew sliced off the barrel of his bat on a Clemens pitch.
The Astros are hoping that if Clemens pitches, he pitches for them.
But to Stottlemyre, the legs and not the arm will determine how well Clemens pitches for the Yankees.
The following inning, Manny Ramírez took exception to a high Clemens pitch and charged the mound.
The Mets, led by Manager Bobby Valentine, were livid over the Clemens pitch.
The Clemens pitch, which produced a concussion in Piazza despite his wearing a plastic helmet for protection, is another matter.
But the Yankees have no intention of having Clemens pitch for only four months.
Early in the game during Piazza's first at bat, Clemens pitch had shattered Piazza's bat.