"We were promised a clean ocean by the E.P.A.," said Cindy Zipf, executive director of Clean Ocean Action, an environmental group that heads the coalition.
So Mr. Suliga, a Democrat from Elizabeth who serves on a commission called the Clean Ocean and Shore Trust, decided against a party aboard the Lady.
"Our program is one of the best in the nation," said Cindy Zipf, executive director of Clean Ocean Action, a private environmental advcocacy group.
The band shot an enlightening advertising campaign for The Hollywood Reporter supporting Clean Oceans scheduled for August 2010.
Ms. Zipf got a degree in marine policy at the University of Rhode Island and returned to the Jersey Shore to run Clean Ocean Action.
To learn about local beach cleanup dates, contact the local beach patrol, or call Clean Ocean Action at (732) 872-0111.
In 2008, Florida passed the Clean Oceans Act with support from local legislators.
The Clean Oceans stamps were designed by Braldt Bralds, a Dutch artist who designed a similar set of "Survival of the Forest" stamps in 1988.
The Clean Oceans stamps will be issued in three sheets.
"We're exploring all options," said Cindy Zipf, executive director of Clean Ocean Action, a Sandy Hook, N.J., group that promotes tourism and environmental issues.