Its goal is to be the Italian Renaissance version of the Loeb Classical Library.
One hundred and eighty volumes of the Loeb Classical Library in my possession would be but a small beginning.
The surviving fragments of this work are published under Hesiod's works in the Loeb Classical Library.
The series was modeled on the Loeb Classical Library, and its volumes are bound in teal cloth.
One reader worried that the Loeb Classical Library would disappear from the shelves; it won't, but it may move.
For an English translation, see the Online Medieval and Classical Library.
See the English translation in the Online Medieval and Classical Library.
However, the Loeb Classical Library has a more recent translation normally preferred academically.
The Classical Library: six plaster busts above the four bookcases and doors on the side walls.
The Classical Library: There are 700 titles, of which 209 are incunabula.