Her photograph has become a classic image, and was used on the album's cover.
If the art business has decided that earlier versions of classic images are far more valuable than later ones, so be it.
For all the world, he looked like the classic image of Tom Sawyer.
Take this as an example: on the cover of a book, there is a classic image of a woman holding an egg.
Famous names are well represented in this sizable survey of the past century, and some by great classic images.
As might be expected, given the importance of the artists involved, the show includes a fair number of classic images from the period.
The austere cover photograph by Mapplethorpe has become one of rock's classic images.
It's a classic image of the power of mindless beauty.
It became a classic image of the Vietnam War and its repercussions at home.
Asturias is startlingly different to our classic image of Spain.