It is the medical term used for conjoined twins (Class V) who are united at the pelvis.
Class V rapids usually just freeze a rictus of terror on people's faces, but harmless bumps like this were fun.
Class V - Ammunition, explosives, and chemical agents of all types.
A Class V means that swimming will be unpleasant.
From 1962 until its closure diesel locomotive of Class V 100 were used.
The Class V 100.10 was a diesel locomotive for light passenger and goods traffic on branch lines.
Class V uses its noun prefixes a little differently from the other classes.
These modifications reduced her passenger certificate (Class V) to 310.
Anesthesiologists were in Class V, the highest malpractice insurance risk category.
However, the Class V well category also includes more complex wells that are typically deeper and often used at commercial or industrial facilities.