Class 159 trains are almost the same as Class 158s.
This brought the total number of Class 411 trains to 60.
In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Class 311 trains also operated on this route.
Class 311000 trains entered service between 1996 and 2006, and again from 2012 to now.
Power output was increased from the Class 1000 trains.
The third generation of the Class 311000 trains were delivered from 2005 to 2006.
Since 1992, Class 483 trains have been used, of which five two-car units remain in service.
Class 350 trains are nearly identical to that of Class 450.
Class 1000 trains entered service between 1974 and 1996.
Prior to 2007, Class 175 trains worked the majority of these services before the 185s took over.