On 10 July 1985 the US Congress rescinded the 10-year-old Clark Amendment.
The United States House of Representatives voted 236 to 185 to repeal the Clark Amendment on July 11, 1985.
That ban, known as the Clark Amendment, was enacted in 1976 and lifted in 1985.
In 1985, the Clark Amendment was repealed and the United States began supplying military aid to Mr. Savimbi.
According to foreign affairs analyst Jane Hunter, Israel stepped in as a proxy arms supplier for the United States after the Clark Amendment took effect.
The Clark Amendment was repealed by the U.S. Congress in July 1985.
We know that our success here in Washington in repealing the Clark Amendment and obtaining American assistance for our cause is very much associated with your efforts.
But that support ended when Congress that same year approved the Clark Amendment, which prohibited covert financing of guerrilla groups in the Angolan conflict.
Congress enacted the so-called Clark Amendment in June 1976.
The State Department has consistently denied violating the Clark Amendment, a position repeated today by a spokesman.