It was fought between a British government force against Highlanders of the Clan Mackenzie.
Trusting her somewhat more, the men reveal themselves to be members of the Clan MacKenzie.
"That's Lady Juniper of the Clan Mackenzie you're talking to, man," he said.
But it was Dennis who suggested Clan Mackenzie, the black-hearted rapparee!
The current chief of Clan Mackenzie lives at Castle Leod, which is thought to date from the 16th century.
The estate was once in the possession of the Clan Mackenzie.
Soon the Southsiders consider themselves part of Clan Mackenzie.
During the raid they clashed with the Clan Mackenzie of Kintail.
The castle belonged to the chiefs of the Clan Mackenzie who ruled the area.
This is not the color of the historical Clan Mackenzie, whose tartan is white, red, green, and blue.