They have each said their cities should be merged into larger metropolitan or county governments.
The next year, 1959, the city and town of Danbury were merged as the state eliminated most county government functions.
In 2001 the city and several adjoining communities were merged into the new regional county municipality with a population to 79,600.
In 1949, the city was officially merged with Salem.
In 1900, the city of Lansingburgh was merged into Troy.
In 1941, the city was enlarged to its current size, when the former city and the surrounding Amt were merged.
The city was merged into Kitakyushu in 1963.
On April 27, 1931, the two cities were merged to form Saigon-Cholon.
The current city was administratively founded on April 1, 1927, and merged with the town of Yodoe in 2005.
In 1975 the city was merged with several previously independent municipalities, thus it grew in area as well as population.