Laurie Gomberg, a 21-year-old Citibank employee from Manhattan, said her friends use the vans every weekend.
Elizabeth Pearce, 68, a retired Citibank employee who has lived at 430 East 65th Street for 28 years, said sunny rooms and cross-breezes were the best things about her apartment.
His son Richard, a Citibank employee making a sales call at Cantor Fitzgerald, died on 9/11.
"I worry, if I ever had to sell, if this would become an issue," said Gazala Chinwalla, a Citibank employee who owns a house in BelleFair.
"This is the first protest I've ever been to because this has gone on for far too long," said Carolyn Cooper, 45, a Citibank employee who said she took the day off.
The board of the development agency, led by Daria Cooper, a Citibank employee who is on a leave of absence to administer the project, is interviewing prospective tenants.
Ms. Dates said there was no evidence of involvement by a current or former Citibank employee, but she noted the investigation was continuing.
This suspension came for failing to detect a case in which a Citibank employee embezzled 1.8 billion yen (currently $16.4 million) from depositors over seven years, beginning in 1997.
Payment for His Work As long as he was a Citibank employee, Citicorp said it was inappropriate for Mr. Handley to own part of the investment company.
But the Sears card was another story; a different Citibank employee refused to make the interest rate cut on that card retroactive to his date of enlistment, as the new relief act requires.