His early death in 1148 was a heavy blow to the cause of church reform.
On January 5, 1543, the pope named him to a commission to study church reform.
The other was the ease with which the first batch of Church reforms went through.
To the radicals, the council had no right to make that decision, but rather the Bible was the final authority of church reform.
Moreover, the king was indeed associated with Church reform.
He took an active part in all measures of church reform, and became chairman of the committee on religion.
Agnes opposed church reform, and took the side of Italian dissidents who did as well.
The main goal of the meetings held by Basel's council between 1431 and 1449 was to implement a church reform.
Generally speaking, however, protests at Church reforms were confined to words, usually under the influence of drink.
Odilo and his confreres interested themselves in the church reform which began about that time.