While we have our own ethical standards, the Church does not attempt to insert itself between the physician and the patient.
Christman recounted how after leaving the organization, the Church of Scientology attempted to damage her reputation through a policy referred to as "dead agenting".
The Church attempted to come to agreements with the regime in 1950, when the continuation of about ten Catholic schools was permitted.
By August 1944, Churches had already attempted to escape on two occasions and had learned about the surroundings from those experiences.
However, the Church does not attempt, nor feel the need to use feminist or humanist perspectives to justify its theological positions.
But this was a theological not a political statement; the 'Confessing Church' never attempted political opposition.
The Church attempted to repossess the cathedral since 1990s.
The Church of Scientology attempts to gain converts by offering "free stress tests".
Eliot Abelson said that the Church had attempted to contact Morton and give him a tour, but "received nothing."
The Church of Scientology also attempted to ban the book in Canadian libraries by threatening the sue for libel.