In a series of solos, Tarik Winston was dazzling, Chuck Green was elegant and Jimmy Slyde seemed simultaneously virtuosic and easygoing.
There is no performer like Chuck Green, veteran of 64 years of tap.
My best friend, Chuck Green, caught the squirrel.
Honi Coles would introduce him as, "Chuck Green, the greatest tap dancer in the world."
Mario Pei, the language-in-action philologist of years ago, was sure "it was Chuck Green, a friend of Damon Runyon, who invented moolah."
Mr. Desio will be joined on Aug. 21 by Chuck Green, one of the greatest of American tap dancers.
"No one is going to go wanting," said Chuck Green, a Denver Post columnist and an organizer of the overall aid effort, who has received hundreds of letters from readers offering help.
There he learned dance history firsthand, appearing with tap stars like Chuck Green, Rhythm Red and Mabel Lee, who taught him to improvise rather than simply dance steps.
"In my first years I became friends with Chuck Green, a shaman of tap who I adored and idolized," Mr. Weber wrote in an e-mail message.
Other dancers included Chuck Green, Jimmy Slyde and Howard "Sandman" Sims.