Christopher Hunt, the former head of the Pepsico Summerfare festival, has been appointed artistic consultant for contemporary programming to help administer the fund.
Christopher Hunt, a magazine editor in New York, recalled a disastrous dive weekend to Nassau that he and a friend endured several years ago.
"Not enough search firms turn down assignments," said Christopher Hunt, editor in chief of Executive Search Review.
Imprinted by John Windet for Christopher Hunt, of Exeter, 1594.
The face belonged to one Christopher Hunt of Beverly Hills, California.
Christopher Hunt, the former head of the late, lamented Pepsico Summerfare: A job - any job that suits his talents.
"Perhaps we didn't go far enough to be truly dangerous," says Christopher Hunt, Summerfare's artistic director.
For Christopher Hunt, the English-born director of the festival, its point and purpose are emphatically not to provide lightweight entertainment.
More serious criticisms came late in the history of the abbey, during the time of two abbots: Richard Pontesbury and Christopher Hunt.
As Christopher Hunt says, "The most important work is done by scouts out ahead"; and when the land is won, the settlers take over.