Holiday stress has become as much a tradition as the Christmas ham.
Last year, after new welfare laws left the family without food stamps, the agency bought them a turkey and a Christmas ham.
There was enough Christmas ham for everyone.
Traditionally, the third course begins with soaking bread in the stock from the Christmas ham but this is rarely practised today.
Leftover slices of Christmas ham can be chopped and added.
You have wondered what to do with the scraps of Christmas ham.
Fans contributed nearly $5,000 to help pay it and the money was spent to give free Christmas hams to Lubbock families.
Their parents were in the kitchen checking on the Christmas ham.
He could be home, sitting on the couch, digesting Christmas ham and listening to his mother-in-law give him a hard time.
The second is cold cuts of meat, with the Christmas ham being the most important.