He took his Christian followers and moved three miles away.
He was exiled with his Christian followers, and took some of his family to Nuku'alofa.
Alabama is located in the middle of the Bible Belt, a region of high Christian followers.
The company raised 14 million francs, of them 9,795,000 francs (390,000 pounds) from Christian religious followers.
Li is a Christian follower since 2003.
With the end of Mongolia's communist regime in 1990, numbers of Christian followers have steadily increased again.
What invigorates his Christian followers is the prospect of an evangelical preacher becoming President and seeking to lead the nation in a moral revival.
Or at least as wild as parties get when Rick Santorum and his merry band of conservative Christian followers are around.
Together Tan and his wife are Christian followers.
Augustine and his Christian followers from Rome got short shrift from the natives at that time.