He was born on 9 July 1925 in Christchurch where he attended Christchurch School for Boys.
Admission to Christchurch School is based upon thorough review of the candidate's application, recommendations, questionnaires, transcripts, and a personal interview.
There were also a number of private and boarding schools for those who could afford the fees such as Christchurch School in Purewell which was established in 1827.
He commenced full-time teaching and research at the Christchurch School of Medicine in 1960, and was appointed Foundation Professor in 1971.
He was educated at Westminster School and Christchurch School.
He studied at the Christchurch School and the Presidency College in Chennai.
Wilson received his formal training as an artist at Christchurch School of Art in 1967-1968.
Christchurch School, in the tidewater area of Virginia, has an experiential program called Great Journeys Begin at the River.
Puller graduated high school from Christchurch School in Christchurch, Virginia.
St. Leonard's Church of England Primary School was originally Christchurch School.