The low cost of Chinese-made products also helps the region, Mr. Walker said.
It does seem that way, with numerous Chinese-made products being taken off the shelves in what may be a record year for toy recalls.
If the dangers of lead paint are well known, then why do so many Chinese-made products still contain it?
Many American companies are losing market share to Chinese-made products at home while facing obstacles in trying to secure more access to overseas markets.
Its racks are laden with Chinese-made products, including televisions and other expensive electronic goods.
As the trial goes on, it's later discovered that Jeffrey suffers from lead poisoning caused by Chinese-made products.
To enter the Chinese market, Western suppliers had to show that their equipment was compatible with Chinese-made products.
In theory, that would cause sales of Chinese-made products to fall.
On more than one occasion, Chinese-made products have caused global concerns about their quality and safety and resulted in large scale product recalls.
In 2007, Chinese-made products were taken off the shelves in what could be record-breaking numbers.