Originally it was awarded only to foreigners but was extended to Chinese subjects from 1908.
A prospective, placebo-controlled, esophagus chemoprevention study randomly assigned 610 high-risk Chinese subjects.
"But both composers were drawn to a Chinese subject and incorporated what I might call 'musical chinoiserie' into their creations."
The Chinese subject was being watched, but no one saw him set a telltale for the dead-drop.
He has written many books and articles on modern Chinese subjects.
Chinese history, geography, and culture are integrated in all the three core Chinese subjects - they stood as independent subjects of their own before 1973.
He also painted Chinese and Japanese subjects.
But it is done here on paper using traditional Chinese subjects and classical European styles.
To show the pink/blue color preference exists across cultures and is therefore not a cultural construct, the researchers gave the same test to Chinese subjects.
Nanga or bunjinga paintings almost always depicted traditional Chinese subjects.