The Chinese rulers themselves do not complain that their foreign critics want to isolate China, but nearly the opposite.
In fact, Chinese rulers have become clever enough not to trifle with the welfare of the masses, whether peasants or workers.
Indeed, the mechanical clocks which they presented to the Chinese rulers were received with surprised delight.
This, indeed, is how Chinese and Japanese rulers have always justified their power, as guardians of the perfect social order.
Almost all dynasties of Chinese rulers continued to repeat this theory.
Most important, they wanted independence from their Chinese rulers.
But there was also a strong feeling of national independence, which the new Chinese rulers have crushed with brute force.
This was discovered by the Chinese rulers during the 16th century, and the local warlord put many islanders to death as a result.
But the Chinese rulers have learned that the international price for the butchery in Beijing is quite reasonable.
As of today, the manhua series has seven story arcs, each about a different ancient Chinese ruler.