Distinct Chinese colonies emerged in ports throughout the archipelago, including the pepper port of Banten.
Here the more prosperous members of the Chinese colony lived in the manner of their adopted country.
Don't say this doesn't matter - the winners will export thier polical ideals and practices (Chinese penal colony, anyone??)
Hong Kong, then, can perhaps best be described as a Chinese colony.
Gaochang was considered in some sources as a "Chinese colony".
Around 119, Ban Yong recommanded that a Chinese colony of 500 men be established in Loulan.
Lin Yi, the predecessor state of historical Champa, began its existence in 192 AD as a breakaway Chinese colony.
"The way things are going, we are just going to be a Chinese colony," said Margaret Ng Ngoi-yee, a former newspaper publisher and now a lawyer.
Dirty history, slave breeding in cribs, penal colony, black magic, orchids, mosquitoes, smugglers' paradise, Chinese colony runs the port.
Hong Kong will become a Chinese colony.