For many years, it enjoyed its reputation as one of the best Chinese collections outside of Asia.
Gallery for Recent Acquisitions, a short walk from the museum's own beautiful Chinese collections, highlighted by a delightful garden.
Some 1,200 objects - jades, porcelain, weapons - from the museum's great Chinese collection are elegantly displayed.
In particular, the Chinese and Russian collections grew considerably.
The Chinese collections included what may turn out to be several distinct Eosimias species.
He was standing at the open front of a great case which stood between the windows and which contained part of his Chinese collection.
The Metropolitan already had one of the country's best Chinese collections, encompassing painting, calligraphy and decorative arts from the eighth century through the 20th.
He has provided the funds to purchase most of the important pieces in our Chinese collection.
With this show, it is apparent that the museum has outgrown the approach it developed during the formation of its Chinese collection.
Dayland's jewels were very valuable, particularly his Chinese collection.