She began buying Chinese bronze mirrors in 1969, when they were still available for as little as $100 to $200 each.
But handling the objects deepened their understanding of how the mirrors, as well as all Chinese bronzes, evolved.
While scholars and archaeologists have made great advances in the knowledge of Chinese bronzes, many mirrors continue to defy explanation.
Or a seven-tiered Chinese bronze pagoda more than eight feet tall?
The offerings range from Chinese bronzes to illuminated manuscripts to modern furniture.
The brothers have also collected rare tapestries, Chinese bronzes and European silver.
This type seems to first appear in Chinese bronzes of which the earliest surviving examples date from before 450.
Morgan 1934:95) first records panlong as a decorative style on Chinese bronzes.
Being so comprehensive, the catalogue has therefore been extremely influential in the study of Chinese bronzes.
On a large coffee table is an assortment of Chinese and Nepalese bronzes.