They are paying $500,000 a year in union benefits no other Chinatown restaurants have to.
This is the second significant labor struggle in the last two years at a Chinatown restaurant.
One agency had placed him in the kitchen of a Chinatown restaurant, but he hated it.
Chinatown restaurants serve both as major economic components and as social gathering places.
Unusual for a Chinatown restaurant, they dare you to try things.
And only a few blocks from so many Chinatown restaurants just waiting to be explored.
One was put in mind of the decor in a Chinatown restaurant.
Even for $15 a day plus tips, jobs in Chinatown restaurants are hard to come by.
Habitués of Chinatown restaurants know that pork belly is nothing new under the pig.
And, as in most Chinatown restaurants, everything comes cascading out of the kitchen at once, no matter how many dishes have been ordered.