During the summer of 2006, two students traveled to China through scholarships from the China Institute.
A catalog with more than 200 photographs is available for $49 at the China Institute, 125 East 65th Street.
No one does focused, scholarly exhibitions of this sort better than the China Institute, where the show appears.
The cost of the lectures, which will benefit the China Institute in America, is $8.
This reasoning also informed Lo's teaching at the China Institute for the last 20 years.
The China Institute was prohibited from washing the dingy ceramic wall clocks.
In 1977, he returned to China Institute of Music and was promoted as associate president.
China Institute doesn't have such resources to draw on and is, anyway, conceived on an altogether more intimate scale.
China Institute specializes in Mandarin language courses to students of all backgrounds and proficiency levels.
He was the curator of two shows at the China Institute in America, which showed some of his collection.