The North American stamp is upon it all, giving the line a flavour completely different to that of the Chilean systems.
In the Chilean system, the court lacks the broader power of judicial review - it cannot set binding precedent or invalidate laws.
The implicit debt of the Chilean system in 1980 was about 80 percent of the G.D.P.
It is the first level of the Chilean educational system.
The Chilean system, by dropping the minimum report interval to 8 minutes is capable of determining "what" the vessel is doing.
Chilean educational system is the second most segregated in the world only after Peru,also in Latin America.
That said, it is hard to deny the Chilean system is thriving.
Privatizers who laud the Chilean system never mention that it has yet to deliver on its promise to reduce government spending.
A closer look at the Chilean system does disclose some weaknesses.
Finally, the jury is out on how the Chilean system would fare in hard times.