Hinzpeter has combined his practice as a lawyer with an active role in Chilean politics.
Many of the civilian allies of the military government continued to be influential in Chilean politics.
He is changing the style of Chilean politics from its traditional ideological roots to one more driven by personality and image.
This event was the culmination of a process that marked the increasing desire by the military corps of a more active participation in Chilean politics.
The opposition coalition would be an attempt to get around the traditional division of Chilean politics into thirds - right, center and left.
The Balmaceda family of Chile became politically influential during the 19th century, and played a very significant role in Chilean politics.
They have played a very significant role in Chilean politics.
It became politically influential during the 20th century, and has played and still plays a significant role in Chilean politics.
The Concertación coalition has continued to dominate Chilean politics for last two decades.
This dark satirical work deals with the history of Chilean politics in a morbid and sometimes humorous fashion.