Carlos Fernando Flores Labra (born January 9, 1943) is a Chilean engineer, entrepreneur and politician.
José Ignacio Palma (March 9, 1910 - June 27, 1988) was a Chilean engineer and politician.
Chilean engineers then worked to save the captured vessel.
Hernán Briones Gorostiaga, (1913-2005), Chilean engineer and businessman.
And a Chilean engineer says a new plan for rescuing the trapped miners could have them out in two months rather than four.
It was written by Chilean engineers in consultation with a team of 12 British programmers.
Alejandro Jadresic Marinovic (born 6 June 1956) is a Chilean industrial engineer, economist and an academic.
Laurence Nelson Golborne Riveros (born Santiago, July 11, 1961) is a Chilean engineer and entrepreneur.
Carlos Cardoen, the wealthy owner of Industrias Cardoen, is an American-educated Chilean engineer.
Manuel José Piñera Carvallo (1917-1991) was a Chilean engineer, diplomat and Christian Democratic politician.