Students eventually defeated the government, making Piñera the most unpopular president in the history of Chilean democracy.
Washington can and should reinforce Chilean democracy through freer trade and investment rules.
This is precisely what occurred in 1973, when General Pinochet destroyed Chilean democracy.
A series of Washington meetings, held within eleven days of Allende's electoral victory, essentially settled the fate of Chilean democracy.
They continued their efforts supporting Chilean democracy internationally; magnitizdat copies of their work continued to be widely distributed in Chile.
A year ago Congress budgeted $1 million for use by the endowment to support advocates of Chilean democracy.
Chilean democracy, he wrote, is a conquest by all of the people.
- says the commenter that wishes Pinochet were still alive to crush Chilean democracy, again.
Over the past few years, Chilean democracy has begun freeing itself from many of these shackles.
In other words, he has a certain amount of control over Chilean democracy.