He continues to be intrigued by the United States, collecting newspaper clippings on Martin Luther King, president Kennedy and the Chicago riots.
He also covered King in Chicago in 1966, the United Farm Workers protest in 1968, and the 1968 Chicago riots following King's death.
The 1968 Chicago riots were sparked by the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
After the great 1919 Chicago riot, White concluded the causes of such violence were not rape, as had been rumored, but rather the result of "prejudice and economic competition."
During the Chicago riot, the press learned from Department of Justice officials that the IWW and Bolsheviks were "spreading propaganda to breed race hated."
The Chicago riot had been political, hadn't it?
The commission was set up after the Chicago riots of July and August 1919.
But most of today's strong Democratic candidates are traditionalist manly men who give the impression that if they had been involved in the Chicago riots, they would have been on the side of the cops, not the hippies.
Only a few months after returning from Cuba, in October 1969, she participated in the Chicago riot termed the "Days of Rage" and was arrested.
Shirley, run those tapes of the Chicago riot, will you?