After some initial hesitancy, world leaders have generally praised Russia's assault on the 50 or more Chechen terrorists.
Most citizens of Beslan direct their rage at the Chechen terrorists but also, increasingly, at the Russian government.
Rather, he said, responsibility lay with Chechen terrorists or rival gangs.
Police say Chechen terrorists were responsible although no one has ever been charged with masterminding that attack.
Dr. Roshal negotiated with Chechen terrorists during the Moscow theater hostage crisis in 2002.
Chechen terrorists were blamed.
On March 29, 2010, two female Chechen terrorists bombed two Moscow subway stations killing at least 38 people and injuring over 60.
The Chechen terrorists who use this area are criminals who are to be dealt with as criminals should.
This area is apparently lousy with Chechen terrorists and support structure.
Chechen terrorists struck into a neighboring state loyal to Russia and are also widely believed to be behind murderous bombings in Russian cities.