Charlie Pace (Dominic Monaghan) reveals to Jack that he cannot or does not know how to swim.
Charlie Pace was named director of the tour in 1967 and retired after the 50th anniversary ride in 2011.
Days later, she made contact with Charlie Pace (Dominic Monaghan), who asked her if she had sent a boat to the island.
He has since appeared in additional live action and voice acting roles, such as playing Charlie Pace in childhood flashbacks on Lost.
Dominic Monaghan plays former rock star Charlie Pace.
The American television series Lost featured a character named Charlie Pace, who was a bassist from a broken up band, with a heroin addiction.
The episode begins with Charlie Pace, as a child, receiving a new piano.
He is also well known for playing Charlie Pace on the television series Lost.
He has also played Charlie Pace in childhood flashbacks on Lost.
Charlie Pace (Dominic Monaghan) is featured in the episode's flashbacks.