The seventh was Charles Glass, who was on leave from ABC to write a book; he escaped after only two months.
The newest member of the committee is Charles Glass, who last month was freed from captivity in Lebanon.
With the kidnapping of Charles Glass, a television journalist, nine Americans are now held hostage in Beirut.
As company-endorsed legend would have it, the company was founded by Charles Glass in Johannesburg in 1894.
The journalist is Charles Glass, 36, a longtime ABC News correspondent.
The videotape of the journalist, Charles Glass, was left at the door of the Beirut office of a Western news agency.
Following the video from Charles Glass, there was much talk of the Syrians doing their utmost to release him.
Two Lebanese nationals kidnapped here a week ago with an American journalist were released today, but the journalist, Charles Glass, remained missing.
A Free State soldier, Charles Glass is killed at his home in Dundalk by two gunmen.
Charles Glass (born in 1951) is an American author, journalist, and broadcaster specializing in the Middle East.