In April 2010, Israel's Channel 10 reported that the Palestinian Authority named a street in Ramallah after Ayyash.
The lucky survivor spent a week in hospital, but was not seriously injured in the fall, Channel 9 reported.
Channel 5 reported Noah would get close to one particular Erinsborough local and they should prepare for "heartbreak and havoc."
On 6 October, Channel 5 reported Sophie would undergo a radical rock chick makeover.
Clear Channel reported an operating profit of $2.19 billion for its most recent fiscal year, with nearly $1.6 billion of that coming from radio.
Channel Nine television reported that authorities had revoked Baker's weapon's permit and confiscated a cache of weapons from him weeks prior after he allegedly harassed Gannon.
Israel's Channel 2, however, reported tonight that efforts were under way to arrange a meeting between Mr. Barak and Mr. Arafat for Saturday night.
The Channel 9 Sunday Program reported that "To date she is about the only athlete who never denied taking drugs".
Channel 4 news reported that Houla residents stated that the Syrian military and government-hired Shabiha were the perpetrators of the massacre, as claimed by opposition groups.
Channel 2 television reported that a team assembled by Mr. Mazuz had reviewed the case and had not found sufficient evidence to merit charges being filed.