In October and November 1997 Channel 4 presented the entire novel sequence in four television films, with a screenplay by Hugh Whitemore.
On Tuesday night at 8 o'clock, Channel 5 will present "Countdown to Discovery," an hourlong program that will feature interviews with astronauts and others.
Among other offerings, Channel 13 at 7 P.M. is presenting "The Sacred Way: Michael Wood's Greece" in a program called "Travels."
Last night, Channel 9 presented the movie "Exodus" with Paul Newman.
"The rector said Channel 13 could not present advertising for ideas, only for products," Mr. Latorre said.
Mayoralty Debates In the fall, Channel 13 will present a series of debates among the candidates for Mayor of New York City.
In 1957, Channel 7 joined the appeal and presented a three-hour telethon on Good Friday afternoon.
Before the launch programme, Channel 4 presented a statement from Ofcom explaining the racism incidents from Celebrity Big Brother earlier in the year.
At 10 P.M. Wednesday, Channel 13 will present "Prince Charles: The Earth in Balance."
At midnight tomorrow, Channel 13 will present "America Prepares for the Pope," with Charlton Heston.