The title of the magazine was hand written by the late Chairman Mao Zedong.
The calligraphy for the title was done by Chairman Mao Zedong.
As a young man in the late 1950's, he took at face value Chairman Mao Zedong's invitation to let a hundred flowers of criticism bloom.
The defense's argument was that she obeyed the orders of Chairman Mao Zedong at all times.
His economic policies, however, were at odds with the political ideologies of Chairman Mao Zedong.
Military parades, presided over by Chairman Mao Zedong, were held every year between 1949 and 1959.
Discusses the life, military influence and writings of Chairman Mao ZeDong.
This last happened in the mid-1970's as Chairman Mao Zedong approached his end.
On February 4, 1965, Chairman Mao Zedong personally approved the project.
Chairman Mao Zedong wrote the calligraphic characters in the station sign.