A number of points between 0 and 100 are awarded to the student for each Leaving Certificate exam sat.
In May 2009, the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) exams were disrupted when there was a shoot-out on the school grounds.
She did her Leaving Certificate exams at the age of 16 and then studied law at University College Dublin, where she also completed a post-graduate diploma in European Law.
As a percentage of students taking the Leaving Certificate exam the school topped the list of students provided to DCU.
Students take the Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate exams and Transition Year is optional.
Upon being caught cheating in his Leaving Certificate exam and being banned from sitting the exam for another three years, a young man commits suicide.
Only one school outside Ireland offers the Leaving Certificate exam to their students.
He had already fulfilled one ambition for them, having won in the Leaving Certificate exam an Exhibition-an all-paid scholarship to Sydney University, to the faculty of his choice.
Earlier admissions were based upon the percentage of science subjects' marks secured in Higher Secondary Certificate exam of Maharashtra state.
The Leaving Certificate exam by comparison is much more specific.