The Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia in 2005 reported that this town has an estimated total population of 1,563 of whom 834 are men and 729 are women.
Based on figures from the Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia published in 2005, Āfdem has an estimated total population of 2,129 of whom 1,092 are men and 1,037 women.
Based on figures from the Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia published in 2005, Huruta has an estimated total population of 16,922 consisting of 8,391 men and 8,531 women.
Based on figures from the Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia published in 2005, Digelu has an estimated total population of 1,623 consisting of 738 men and 885 women.
Based on 2007 national census conducted by the Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia (CSA), this woreda has a total population of 228,449.
Based on figures from the Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia published in 2005, Gonde has an estimated total population of 3,965 consisting of 1,842 men and 2,123 women.
Based on figures from the Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia published in 2005, Filtu has an estimated total population of 4,746 of whom 3,496 are men and 8,242 women.
Based on figures from the Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia published in 2005, Iragalem has an estimated total population of 43,815 of whom 21,840 are men and 21,975 women.
Based on figures from the Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia published in 2005, Chencha has an estimated total population of 10,488 consisting of 4,750 men and 5,738 women.
Based on the 2007 Census conducted by the Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia, this zone has a total population of 258,808, of whom 133,123 are men and 125,685 women.