The Centre also assists countries and organisations in the implementation of new and more efficient land release concepts.
The Center provides training in these subjects to both active and reserve components and assists in the development of tactics and techniques for such operations.
The Center assists children in the area with maintaining and achieving a healthy weight, while also treating weight related health issues.
The Centre also assists in finding rented accommodation for the homeless, though a major emphasis of these activities is evangelistic, "bringing people to Jesus".
Depending on the public services in the community, Centers might assist with housing referral and adaptation, personal assistance referral, or legal aid.
In the meantime, the company's new Career Transition Center will assist the laid-off employees.
The University's Center for Community Work and Learning assists faculty in integrating this component into their curriculum.
The Center assists eligible veterans in their efforts to receive benefits and services from VA.
The Center also assists with career advising and mentoring to help students find career opportunities that match their goals and interests.
The Center also assists the people of Cuba through its information outreach and humanitarian programs on the island.