Light, lively Celtic tunes, with the occasional phrase of a classical piece thrown in for kicks.
A violinist walking down the aisle opened the work with an evocative Celtic tune, followed by frantic, dissonant exchanges between the instruments and a barbershop quartet.
Abelson performs in a variety of styles from classic Celtic tunes to Folk-Rock.
"I don't think Fritz knew a thing about Gaelic or Celtic tunes; he despised them," she continued. Online database of traditional Celtic tunes with many from Ireland.
"The Barnyards of Delgaty" is reminiscent of old world themed Celtic tunes.
The score consists of arrangements and orchestrations of old Celtic tunes, music particularly dear to Miss de Mille's heart.
Simple-well, the Celtic tunes are sometimes simple enough, but do I really relate them to what I have to do?
Alawon y Celt - Celtic tunes (two volumes, 1905)
Downes chose a repertoire that ranged from traditional Celtic tunes to modern songs.