St. Trillo was a celtic saint of the sixth century.
St Fillan was a Celtic saint who died in 777 AD.
Decuman is said to have died in AD 706, though this seems rather late for a Celtic saint.
The church and the well are both named after St Ceinwen, an early Celtic female saint.
The following Celtic saints have similar legends in that they were all maidens who were pursued and killed by pagans.
The site is thought to have been occupied by a church since the 6th or 7th century, dedicated to Llawddog, a Celtic saint.
The next day it appears this experience coincided with the death of the celtic saint, St. Aidan.
It was reputed to have been carved from the bone of some long-dead Celtic saint.
The church is dedicated to two Celtic saints of the sixth century, though it has been suggested that an earlier foundation stood on the hill above.
The parish church is dedicated to St Weonard, who may have been a local Celtic saint.