There have been modern texts based around Celtic literature.
Within many Arthurian texts one can see the influence of Celtic literature and folklore.
A major aspect of Celtic literature within "Lanval" is the theme itself, the story that a fairy mistress falls in love with a mortal.
In the turmoil of the period following the Norman invasion in 1066, Celtic literature experienced a flowering.
But perhaps he will be chiefly remembered for the impulse which he gave to the study of Celtic legend and Celtic literature.
Barnes had studied Celtic literature and often used a repetition of consonantal sounds known as cynghanedd.
The Celtic literature of defeat: an extraordinary assortment of irregularities.
Access to untranslated Celtic literature, ancient and contemporary, which aficionados say is superb.
His later work (as the Voyage of Maeldune) shows a just appreciation of ancient Celtic literature.
Celtomania is the name given to the rise in popularity of Celtic literature and culture in the early nineteenth century.